Can anyone recommend tools that allow requirements gathering in process flow form?

Generally, a business analyst must to know or has to update about technology tools used in business analysis activity. So an analyst must expert in their part to produce their functional specification document.

Business Process Modeling and Notation (BPMN) diagrams is very helpful, particularly in identifying roles, sequence of activities, events, and decisions imbedded in a process. For “current state” diagrams, stakeholders have found it valuable to include space in the diagrams for business rules and opportunities for improvement . There are many commercial tools that support BPMN diagramming. In addition, MS Visio 2013 supports BPMN. Earlier Visio versions support BPMN with a free add-in. it is called Visio BPMN template.

Currently I’ use Enterprise architecture Sparks System. I’m learning to use it. This is a interface or EA by Sparks

Enterprise Architecture Spraks

Advantages of BPMN diagrams include: rapid development with stakeholder input, easy to review the whole process on a single page, easy to see trouble spots (e.g., excessive handoffs and wasteful activity), it’s so easy for non-technical stakeholders to read and understand, and easy to separate technology from a business process.

And disadvantages of BPMN diagrams include: it doesn’t support the level of detail of a use case, and they lack the context information often present in a use case.

For those who want to learn it. Let’s get rock and  more creative. Good LuckOpen-mouthed smile

Minggu Kenaikan Yesus Kristus

Minggu Kenaikan Yesus Kristus ( 09 Mei 2013)

Nats renungannya diambil dari Kisah Para Rasul 1 : 6-14.

Pengkotbah adalah Pdt.dr.Binsar pakpahan seorng dosen STT Jakarta.

Berikut ini kesimpulan yang saya ambil dari hasil kotbahnya beliau.

Dalam perayaan hari Kenaika Yesus Kristus, seluruh orang kristen yang ada di seluruh bumi ini pasti merayakannya. Arti kenaikannya Yesus Kristus ini adalah untuk menyiapkan tempat kepada semua orang yang percaya kepada-Nya dan juga untuk menggenapi janjinya yaitu untuk menggenapi rancangan Tuhan yaitu agar Roh Kudus turun ke dunia, dan juga untuk menunjukkan kepada dunia bahwa dia benar-benar utusan dari Allah, bahwa dia berasalh dari Surga dan kembali ke Surga.

Tuhan Yesus datang ke dunia ini untuk melayani, Dan Yesus Ksristus ada sama murid-murid selama 3 tahun, dan selama ini banyak hal-hal yang luar biasa yang dilakukan.

Hari kenaikan ditandakan dengan adanya perpisahan, dan pada peristiwa ini ada proses pengalihan tanggung jawab oleh Tuhan, proses pemberian tanggung jawab kepada murid-murid (renumerasi).

Seperti yang tertulis pada ayat 8, Dulu bersama-sama dengan muridnya, Yesus Krists mendampingi mereka, dan sekarang jadi saksi-Ku. Baik perempuan dan laki-laki diberikan tugas jddi saksi dan inilah makna kenaikan yang kita rayakan saat ini.

Yang paling penting kita lihat dari firman ini adalah Tuhan Yesus adalah guru yang paling berhasil. Guru merupakan tugas yang sangat mulia, Yesus sering dipanggil menjadi guru oleh murid-murid-Nya.

Kesuksesan seorang guru dapat dinilai disaat muridnya sukses. Ada 3 semboyan dalam bahasa Jawa yang sering kita dengan tentang pribadi seorang Guru.

1. Ing ngarso sang tulodo. Dalam perjalanan Yesus, banyak tindakan yang dilakukan pleh Tuhan Yesus seperti menyembuhkan orang sakit, menguatkan orang lemah, mengajar. Intinya melakukan contoh buat murid-muridnya.

2. Ing madya mangun karsa : menyuruh murid-muridnya menyembuhkan orang-orang sakit

3. Tut wuri handayani: sekarang saatnya saya(Yesus Kristus) berada di posisi di belakang, murid-muridnya yang maju, dan saya(Yesus Kristus) akan menyuruh Roh Kudus untuk mengawasi mereka.

Dalam bahasa Batak istilah Tut wuri handayani dapat dianalogikan dengan istilah “Anakhonki do hamoraon di Au.” Maksud istilag ini bukan cuma anak secara fisik, kenapa harus punya anak, tujuannya adalah biar ada yang melanjutkan keturunannya atau penerus dia.

Contoh kasus adalah seni bela diri Kungfu, Kenapa murid yang belajar kungfu, tidak bisa lagi terbang saat ini?

Jawabnnya adalah “karena guru tidak mau mengajarkan jurus andalannya”. Jika ada beberapa guru yang tidak mengajarkan jurus andalannya maka ilmu-ilmu penting itu akan hilang. Dan hal itu akan mengakibatkan banyaknya ilmu yang hilang.

Guru pada zaman sekarang ini takut sama muridnya. Contoh dalam film Kungfu Panda yang ada gambar harimau sebagai penipu. Akan tetapi jika kita kembali merenungkan kisah Yesus dalam pengajarannya, Yesus sendiri tidak seperti guru saat ini. Proses regenerasi itu penting, dalam kehidupan kita terkhusus dalam jemaat perlu proses regenerasi.

Definisi Regenerasi adalah persiapan mereka yang akan mengganti kita. Jika kita lihat ke kondisi gereja kita saat ini, Gereja kita sekarang agak susah proses regenerasi. Demikian juga dengan bangsa Indonesia termasuk bangsa yang lupa mempersiapkan calon penggantinya.

Di dalam gereja proses Regenerasi itu sangat penting, akan tetapi yang ada di gereja saat ini kebanyakan orang tua, atau yang beruban( abu-abu), jadinya hal ini membuat gereja semakin abu-abu. Saat ini Sekolah minggu menjadi tombak yang baik untuk gereja.

Tugas orang kristen adalah:

1. Meningkatkan Proses belajar yaitu diawali dengan Pengajaran, persiapan, hingga pendewasaan.

2. Menjadi saksi bagi kristus (witnesses for Jesus) : sekarang kita bertanggung jawab untuk memberitakan kerajaan Allah, saudara-saudara mari kita tunjukkan HKBP jadi gereja damai. Gereja yang membuktikan kita yang berpotensi dalam kedalamaian dunia ini.

3. Menunggu dalam doa, minggu ni kesepian, karena Tuhan Yesus naik, Roh Kudus belum turun, di dalam proses penantian, kita menunggu dalam doa, jadilah kita pendoa, dan gereja-gereja pendoa.

Selamat berkarya dan memberitakan Injil Tuhan. God Bless Us

Should a business analyst know about architecture level?

I often found some case about role a business analyst? Don’t you ever face it? This is my question.
In project development, Should a business analyst know about architecture level like production environment? give me some explanation sir, because , i meet in my team, our BA doesn’t know about that?

Sometimes I think this is a simple question? are you same with me. if yes, sorry, we are wrong. That isn’t as simple a question as you think.

Based on result on our discussion in a LinkedIn group, many senior business analyst said that  Some should / do, some don’t / don’t need to; most fall into the “don’t / don’t need to” category. The scope of the role of the Business Analyst depends on the structure of the organization and the project team. Knowing about the architecture level is a technical architect function, which can be done by some business analysts, but is usually a specialist role in itself. The BA may need to capture the information from them in the Requirements document, but they don’t need expertise in technical architecture to do that.

In my opinion, it is a “good to know” thing for a functional business analyst and in your case it depends on what role/job function/expectations your BA has been assigned in your project.

About task of a system/technical analysts, in our company, we don’t have system analyst so everything about task SA to identify information needs of an organization and obtain logical design from system which meet their needs is done by cooperation of a team leader and our BA. So sometimes it make task division is no clear.

What’s your opinion? Let’s discuss it hereWinking smile

Requirements Specification Documents

An business analyst task is to create business requirement document. Name for that document is depend on us to call it, like Requirements Specification Documents, business requirement document, or functional specification document.

A requirements specification document describe what the software is expected to do. It is an agreement must be reached on what actions users can perform and what responses they can expect to receive from the system between the users and the analyst. This document is only logical. It serves as a contract between the analysts and their clients.

So every thing state in this document must be fulfilled. and it use to avoid duplication and inconsistency requirement. if there is a requirement out of the agreement ask by client we can face them with show the requirement.

So before kick off document, make sure both of side: analyst and client have known content from that document. I hope you can do it and produce a best document requirements specification documents.

Let’s be more creativeOpen-mouthed smile

What do you do when the analyst role gets no respect?

What do you do when an analyst role gets no respect?

Ever been there? All stars in every phase of the SDLC get called out with praise for their efforts in to the success of the project. And the analyst? Nothing. Nobody knows what they do, how they helped. Nobody knows the importance of their role. Or they think “I could do that”. What do you do?

If i heard this statement, what i do just say Be strong and keep going on whoever faced it. It does not much matter because they will not work with us forever. My experiences once the project is in maintain/support stage, I am nobody. Just users and one programmer are enough, it’s the management’s decision that time.

But we must erase it from our mind. I often found it in project development. Many programmers said that they are a predominant. So i hope programmer don’t say it again “we can develop it ourselves”. Let’s i say it’s correct. But till what you do it by yourselves?


As business analyst, you need to ensure you communicate your successes and good news stories, ensure you stakeholders and business owners are made aware of your contributions through regular factual updates. It is our job to educate businesses to the benefits, advantages and business need to have strong BAs on their team.
Through our professional contributions we earn trust and respect for ourselves and the BA profession. Give it to a BA you can trust them to get the job done right.

Good Luck

What are the most important attributes of a well-written functional requirement?

Recently I have topic discussion in my group. we talk about characteristics of a good quality user story, as may be used in a Scrum or XP project.

Sometimes a business analyst confuse how to write functional requirement well, and what’s the measurement to assure it is a well-written functional requirement.

INVEST by Bill Wake defined it as attributes of a functional requirement. This is explanation about that.


Let’s learn ad work together, to get best result. Good LuckWinking smile

Memulai pekerjaan seorang Business analyst


Setelah mencoba mempelajari bagaimana pekerjaan seorang business analyst, ternyata begitu banyak yang harus diprepare. antara lain:

  1. Seorang business analyst harus good listener. Kenapa saya mengatakan seperti itu hal ini dikarenakan bahwa si business analyst harus mampu mendengarkan lawan bicara.
  2. Menuliskan kembali hasil diskusi dengan semua peserta diskusi. 
  3. Mampu mencatch up semua intisari/ maksud dari isi diskusi
  4. Seorang Business Analyst  harus mamPu membuat klientnya mengutarakan atau menjelaskan apa yang mau dicapai.(requirementnya apa aja sih).
  5. Si business analyst harus bisa men-drive semua peserta dan mampu menciptakan suasana yang nyaman, jadi  si Business Analyst harus mampu menghangatkan suasana yang baik pada diskusi. untuk itu si Business Analyst harus sudah siap, jadi kita bisa memimpin diskusi.
  6. Seorang Business Analyst  harus proaktif jika ada yang tidak jelas, harus dikejar dan difollow up.
  7. Selain itu, seorang BA juga harus dapat update akan tools yang berguna akan kegiatan analisis.

Solusi tersebut saya temukan dari link berikut ini, dimana saya pertama-tama coba cari informasi2 yang disampaikan di group tentang segala sesuatu tentang business analysis and business analyst. Dan sekarang saa sudah join di group tersebut, Banyak sekali ilmu dan informasi yang saya dapat dari sana, Saya coba registrasi dari linkedin. Mudah-mudahan membantu teman-teman yang sudah menjadi business analyst atau ingin menjadi BA.

Start Learn Now. Say in your heart, Business analysis, I’m coming. Prepare it quickly. :)

Techniques for gathering requirements

How many techniques for gathering requirements you know ? can you mention it?

At noon, I interest to seek tools, commonly use by business analyst.

There are many techniques that can use for gathering requirements. They are:

1: One-on-one interviews
the most technique for gathering requirements is to sit down with the clients and ask them what they need. Ask open-ended questions to make client start talking to uncover requirements

2: Group interviews
interviewed do with more than one person. Usually two to four who has same level/role. Please make preparation to get the information you want from all cline. Create a situation so they are comfortable to answer your question.

3: Facilitated sessions
in a facilitated session, we are trying to gather a set of common requirements from the group in a faster manner than if they interviewed separately.

4: Joint application development (JAD)
JAD sessions are similar to facilitated sessions. The difference both of them, in the JAD session, the participants stay in session until a complete set of requirements is documented and agreed.

5: Questionnaires
Questionnaires is suitable to gather requirements from stakeholders in other locations and can be used when you have to gather input from many of people.

6: Prototyping
Use this type, we must build an initial version/a prototype, then show to the client. it’s called repetitive process until the product meets the critical meet business needs.

7: Use cases
Use cases describe how processes work. It include people (actors) and describe how the solution works from a user perspective.

8: Following people around
this technique describe how you watch your client do their work because sometime our client so difficult to explain what they do or why.

9: Request for proposals (RFPs)
Because we are a vendor, you may receive requirements through an RFP/BRD from client then to determine how close a match you are to the client’s needs.

10: Brainstorming

It’s rare to use. But if the condition on some projects, the requirements are not “uncovered” as much as they are “discovered.” you needs to create a set of ideas that people can agree to. a business analyst must work together with a subject matter experts to determine what’s the best solution. The best ideas is used for the initial requirements.

Please don’t forget to try it. Hopefully, the simplest one technique from above can we use it in our project. Good Luck

Minggu Jubilate

Jubilate artinya bersukacita di dalam nama Tuhan Yesus

atau Bermazmur dengan Kerendahan Hati, Satu Sama Lain, dan Seluruh Penjuru Bumi.

Bersukacita kita karena perbuatan-Nya yang memimpin dunia ini, ditengah kemahakuasaan Tuhan dalam kehidupan kita semua orang yang percaya kepada-Nya.


Pelajaran dari topik minggu ini adalah yang perlu kita lakukan sebagai pesan dari minggu ini adalah

Marilah kita refeleksikan sukacita yang kita terima dari Yesus Kristus di kehidupan kita sehari-hari.

Isi Mazmur adalah kitab dalam alkitab yang paling banyak pasalnya, dan isinya berisikan seni berbaur spritualitsas. Dasar kehidupan Kristen, adalah saat orang Kristen menunggu waktunya meninggalkan dunia menuju kehidupan yang kekal yaitu Surga.